If you are in charge of planning your uncle's memorial service and he had specified prior to his death that he would like the event to showcase his love of photographing birds, the following suggestions can help make the ceremony one that is unique and fitting.
Custom Casket
Purchase a custom casket and have it engraved with some of the varieties of birds that your uncle loved. If your uncle had a pet bird during his lifetime, for instance, you could have a picture of it displayed across the top of the casket. Another idea is to have a picture of your uncle engraved into the top or sides of the casket that depicts a couple birds flying next to him.
On the day of the memorial, have the funeral director point out the reason behind the engravings to the attendees and a couple personal stories that involve your uncle and some of the birds that he encountered.
Wall Art
Choose some of your favorite photographs of birds that you uncle has taken throughout his lifetime and have them enlarged by a photography studio. Place the photographs in frames and hang them across the walls in the room where the memorial service is being held.
Create placards that describe what each photograph portrays and hang each one underneath the picture that it corresponds to. Allow guests to take their time browsing the pictures so that they are able to appreciate the work that your uncle was responsible for and learn about the history of each photograph.
Custom Buttons With Quotes
Select one photograph of your uncle that you like more than the others and bring it to a printing company to have it copied onto large buttons that can be secured to clothing, a backpack, or any other type of fabric. When ordering the pins, choose a quote that describes your uncle and his love of birds and have it printed on each button, as well. Place the buttons in a basket and set it on a table near the entryway to the room where the service will be held.
Request that each person take a button when they arrive for the memorial and ask them to adorn their clothing with it. Once the memorial service has ended, everyone can take the buttons home with them so that they have a memento that will always remind them of your uncle.